Hog Wild Ocean Shores Motorcycle Rally
July 25 - July 27

The Hog Wild motorcycle rally in Ocean Shores is returning again in 2024!
Thousands of bikers and bike lovers come to the beach for bike games, stunt and drill team shows, a parade, live music, and vendors.
Officially the event is hosted at the Ocean Shores Convention Center but the Quinault Beach Resort and Casino also has events each year including live music and sometimes fireworks, beach bonfires, and more.
So excited! Best ever weekend at the beach!
There IS an event at Ocean Shores that weekend – it’s HOG WILD IN OCEAN SHORES. SAME great talent as last year – 1 Wheel Revolution, Cossacks, tons of food trucks, etc.
Is this event canceled?
No. The original event planner canceled but now it is back on and under a new event planner, the city I think.
Will it be really loud all over town that weekend? We may decide to come another time if it is.
Yes. The closer to main roads the more noise there will be.
Everyone who isn’t into it has the other 52 weekends to go to the beach.
this is the worst time i have ever had at ocean shores very racist and rude people a 13 year old was yelling in my ear and pushing me i am in my 50’s i could believe it. We were so uncomfortable and it ruined our trip not to mention the partying all night and fighting please cancel this event we have enough hate in this world…
Maybe you should just stay away instead of ruining everybody else’s fun
I’m sorry that happened. But you can’t say that everyone there is like that. I feel you’re just being hateful and stereotyping bikers. My husband and I are in our mid 50s and are bikers. I’m native american, i am not racist at all. Im a liberal and i support BLM and lgbtq+.
If you didn’t like all the people and partying, you should check what events are happening in town before you go. It’s pretty narcissistic to think because you had a bad time that 100s of others should stop doing something. Hog Wild brings a lot of money to the town and to small businesses and vendors. It also raises money for charities. Everything isn’t about you.
I second what DOOBIE had to say! If you don’t like the event, there are plenty of other things on this planet for you to do as far more people like this kind of event, then do not! I think the only hate there, was coming from you, as I have been to the event many times without there ever being a single problem. Please avoid the hate and stay home this weekend.!
We have a large family that has been to Ocean Shores for the weekend quite a few times. We have our favorite spots and love the peacefulness of the town. Several years ago we went to Ocean Shores for the weekend to celebrate our sons 10th birthday. We had no idea there was a special event going on that weekend. We were probably the only people there in a minivan with 4 little children (ranging from 5 to 10 years old)…. It ended up being the best weekend we have ever had in Ocean Shores! We loved the motorcycle stunts and energy of the crowd. Our sons said they couldn’t wait to grow up and do those stunts too. Now this year we are finally getting the chance to go to the event again as a family (sons now 15 through 20 years old), but we will be on our motorcycles, not in a minivan!! Thanks for keeping the event going:)
That’s pretty awesome!
Hogwild weekend has been family kid friendly for the last 10 yrs. Quieter every year. You hardly hear a mouse squeak after 10 pm.
What band will be playing Saturday at the quinault hog wild
I’ve been trying to figure out the dates for this particular event for quite a while, I did laser engraving on the spot, and I would love to do this event, I found one page finally that shows vendor applications April 15, is there anyway I might be able to apply to be a vendor? I would need power
Are they having the Harley parade Saturday? Which is tomorrow the 29th? And are they going to start at the quim high school again and go from there? And I wonder if they’re going to be throwing candy to the kids, does anybody know?
Are y’all here now? I bet your 15 yr old can not wait to be on his own motorcycle to ho hog wild on. Lol. Have fun! I’m about to venture on out there and see what the hype is all about. I’m usually working through every event.
I just heard about this event this month and had already planned a ride somewhere else. I would love to take my hog here next year. Anyone know what dates are scheduled for next year? The hogwild web site will not open.
Does anyone know what date for this next year 2025? Is it always last weekend in July? And is there a working website?
Are accepting applications for 2025 hog wild event Greetings,
My name is Colleen & I am a product reseller who works with Bobs Freakin Nuts.
We sell USDA certified, prepackaged, presealed 20-foot (10x 2ft Sticks) packages of Pepperoni in addition to other meat products such as meat & cheese sticks, jerky, and land jaeger.
While not all products need to be at every show, our main product is the pepperoni which includes 8 Flavors that range from sweet such as Honey BBQ, Teriyaki, Breakfast Sausage to Savor & Spicy flavors such as Sweet & Spicy, Garlic Black Pepper, and Howling Habanero. We intend to bring 1 to 2 of our products per show depending on what is available/allowed. Due to the volatility of the product, if outdoors, we require a booth facing anywhere between West, Northwest, or North in order to successfully display our product. Please feel free to visit our website and check our complete line of products @ https://bobsfreakinnuts.com/shop-now
Thank you for your time and I wish you a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/week/weekend
Colleen Crook